Billions of Dollars in Procurement Opportunities Await

Billions of Dollars in Procurement Opportunities Await

Hudson Initiative

Louisiana’s Hudson Initiative is a certification program that is designed to help eligible Louisiana small businesses gain greater access to purchasing and contracting opportunities that are available at the State government level.

  • Your business and contact information will be accessible to State purchasing officials and prime contractors looking for subcontractors.
  • State agencies are encouraged to get quotes from and use qualified, certified companies whenever possible.
  • For small purchases of less than $15,000, State agencies can waive the requirement of getting additional quotes if a certified company submits a quote that is reasonable.
  • 10% of the total evaluation points can be added to your bid on a Request for Proposal (RFP).
  • Prime contractors who use your business as a subcontractor on a bid for an RFP are also eligible to receive additional percentage points on their bid.